Flag 09
CANTON (Stars)
White Sands National Park - Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico
Sand gathered from the feet of 3 women (mother, daughter, and grandmother) climbing on the top of one of the dunes while visiting the national monument as tourists.
FIELD (Stripes)
Interstate 25 - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Footprints from tourists exploring roadside rock formations and the “red dirt” of New Mexico.
This section of flag was made on a dune in White Sands National Park. I hiked to the top of a dune where there were a number of people sledding down the dune. At the top of the dune I ran into three people taking pictures - a mother, daughter and grandmother. They all agreed to walk on the plywood as they were hiking leaving behind the white sand from the dune.
This section of the flag was made next to the interstate just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was created by tourists (me being one of them) leaving footprints as they explored one of the red dirt areas along the road. It was amazing to me that this dirt was found in the same state as White Sands National Park.